First Semester
(Modified Regulation)
Paper II / III -     ANATOMY

     Select the most appropriate response.

1. The longest muscle of the body
  1. Sartorius
  2. Gluteus maximus
  3. Deltoid
  4. Sterno cleidomastoid

2.   Which nerve passes through the carpal tunnel
  1. Ulnar nerve
  2. Radial nerve
  3. Median nerve
  4. Facial nerve

3.   Inversion and eversion occur at
  1. Ankle joint
  2. Subtalar joint
  3. Inferior tibiofibular joint
  4. Knee joint

4.    Total number of bones in an adult
  1. 206
  2. 214
  3. 306
  4. 314

5.   Inter vertebral joints are the example for
  1. Syndesmoses
  2. Ghomphoses
  3. Synchondroses
  4. Symphyses

6.    Total number of olfactory  receptors in the nose
  1. 30 - 300 million
  2. 40 - 400 million
  3. 20 - 20 million
  4. 10 - 10 million

7.   Number of intrinsic muscles present in each eye
  1. 1 - 4
  2. 2 - 6
  3. 3 - 8
  4. 4 - 10

8.   Master endocrine gland is
  1. Pituitary gland
  2. Thyroid gland
  3. Adrenal gland
  4. Pancreas

9.    Which one comes under both endocrine and exocrine gland
  1. Pituitary
  2. Thyroid
  3. Adrenal
  4. Pancreas

10.  Mass of the  heart in adult females
  1. 350 g
  2. 300 g
  3. 250 g
  4. 200 g

11.   which one is not a secondary lymphatic organ
  1. Lymph node
  2. Spleen
  3. Thymus
  4. Lymphatic nodules

12. The lower most end of the spinal cord is known as
  1. Filum terminale
  2. Cauda equina
  3. Conus medullaris
  4. Spinal root

13.    How many hyaline cartilage rings are present in the trachea?
  1. 12 - 14
  2. 12 - 16
  3. 14 - 18
  4. 16 - 20

14.  The length of the oesophagus is
  1. 25 cm
  2. 30 cm
  3. 20 cm
  4. 15 cm

15.   The liver is divided into Right lobe and Left lobe by
  1. Ligamentum teres
  2. Round ligament
  3. Falciform ligament
  4. Coronary ligament

16.    Normal sperm count in semen is
  1. 50 - 100 million / ml
  2. 50 - 150 million / ml
  3. 100 - 150 million / ml
  4. 100 - 200 million /  ml

17.    Which one gives support to the breast
  1. Coronary ligament
  2. Ligamentum Biglow
  3. Falciform ligament
  4. Cooper's ligament

18.    development of the placenta occurs during the  - - - - - - - -  month of pregnancy
  1. First month
  2. Second month
  3. Third month
  4. Fourth month

19.    The longest cranial nerve is
  1. Olfactory
  2. Trigeminal
  3. facial
  4. vagus

20.   Neurones of central nervous system  is myelinated by
  1. Schwann cells
  2. Satellite cells
  3. Oligodedrocytes
  4. Ependymal cells

21.    The cranial nervewith longest intracranial  course is
  1. Optic
  2. Abducent
  3. Trigeminal
  4. Trochlear

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Intrinsic Muscles of the eye

Pupillary muscle contracts the pupil when the light is bright outside
Cilary muscle of the lens contracts and makes the lens thicker so as to focus on nearby objects
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